
What Floor Mats Should I Buy: Athletic Facilities
Image of impact sport mats.

When you run an athletic facility, you need your floors to be as strong as the people training at your establishment. Supportive athletic flooring allows you to take some of the pressure off the body and protect floors while people work out or train. That’s why it’s important to know just what flooring products make sense for your facility.

Why Sports and Exercise Facilities Need Floor Mats

There are three big reasons why athletic facilities can use floor mats:

  • Comfort
  • Floor protection
  • Identification

Image of safety mating for sports facilities and locker rooms.

Nobody wants to deal with hard floors when they’re working out or training. Standing on hard surfaces can lead to excess stress over time, especially if you’re lifting weights that will place even more pressure on your body. Running on a hard surface is also bad, as a hard-enough surface will not absorb much of the force caused by impact. Instead, your feet and legs can bear the brunt of this impact, potentially leading to injuries like tendonitis, shin splints, and stress fractures.

Cushioned athletic flooring and sports mats can provide the support necessary to limit these health issues and keep them coming back to your facility. They can also add some additional traction and comfort in swimming areas, locker rooms, and other places where people may be barefoot, protecting them from slipping and making their walk a little more comfortable.

Exercise equipment isn’t exactly gentle on floors. A dropped dumbbell can cause flooring to crack and moving exercise machines can lead to unsightly scratches. Athletic flooring can add a layer of defense between your floors and everything on top of it. Sports mats and interlocking floor tiles are strong to absorb direct impact from both equipment and the people who use it, keeping your floors safe and sound.

Floor mats can do more than just support both your facility and the people in it. It can also serve as a marketing opportunity or a way to provide directions for people. Matting can be customized with different logos to improve your branding around your facility. They can also be made to note where people should walk with caution or other important messages that can help guide the people at your facility.

Image of athletic flooring for sports and workout facilities.

Mat Recommendations for Athletic Spaces

Athletic flooring and sports mats are an important investment in your facilities and you patrons. However, it’s also important to know exactly what matting products are best suited for your spaces. To make it easy, here’s a list of four top matting products for sports facilities and athletic spaces:

The right support can help protect both your patrons and your floors. Durable can provide your facility with the athletic flooring you need for your spaces. Register for an official Durable account for 24/7 access to our company and to order sports mats and athletic flooring online.

What Floor Mats Should I Buy: Beauty Salons and Barber Shops
Image of salon mats, also known as barber mats.

While hair care professionals often worry about what’s on people’s heads, it’s also important for them to consider what’s on their floors. Floor mats and other matting products designed for barber shops, beauty salons, and other similar businesses can provide special benefits that can help hair care professionals and improve the overall appeal of the business.

Why Beauty Salons and Barber Shops Buildings Need Floor Mats

There are four important benefits that floor mats can provide to barber shops and beauty salons:

  • Comfort
  • Cleanliness
  • Floor protection
  • Identification

When you work on your feet all day, a little cushioning can make a world of difference. Prolonged periods of standing on a hard surface can cause the following ailments:

  • Bad posture
  • Joint stiffness
  • Headaches
  • Back pain
  • Foot pressure

Image of salon floor mats.

Standing is a big part of the job for stylists and other hair care professionals, so they need something that can provide a boost. Adding anti-fatigue salon mats reduce the amount of stress that standing places on the body, limiting the potential for injuries and fatigue and increasing productivity.

While hair care professionals may do most of their standing around salon chairs, they still need to pay attention to the entrance. Incoming customers bring more than just their hard-earned dollars into your business; regular foot traffic can track in unsightly dirt and debris. If it rains or snows, they may leave puddles that wind all the way to your salon chairs and mix with any leftover hair that’s there. A quality entrance mat can scrape off unwanted debris and absorb excess water from your customers’ shoes as they enter, keeping your place cleaner in the process. Salon mats are also easy to clean, making it simple to sweep stray hairs away in time for the next customer.

Another issue with this dirt and debris is that it can leave more than just a temporary mess. All the dirt, rocks, road salt, and other substances that your customers drag in can grind into your floors over time. This wear and tear can damage your floors and leave unsightly scratch and scuff marks. Matting products directly shield your floors from these threats, wiping them away before they can become a problem.

Finally, mats can serve as another branding tool for a business. Logo mats allow you to display your brand at every entrance and exit for your business. You can also customize these mats with different messages, welcoming customers or adding some other visual element for them to see as they walk in to your store.

Image of a logo mat, a matting option for salons.

Mat Recommendations for Salon and Beauty Parlors

Floor mats can serve several purposes for a business. However, this means that there are several different types of mats to choose from, which can make it difficult to find which products best suit your needs. We’ll make that search a little easier. Here are four top matting products for salons:
Grand Stand Beauty and Barber
Grand Stand Vinyl Beauty/Barber
Grand Stand Deluxe
Nylon Carpet Logo

The right mats can make a difference for you and your business. Register for an official Durable account for 24/7 access to our company and to order salon and barber mats online.

What Floor Mats Should I Buy: Commercial Buildings
Image of commercial vestibule matting.

A good first impression is crucial for commercial businesses. No potential customer, client, or business associate wants to walk through a door to see a dirty, dingy entranceway leading to their destination. The right entrance and carpet mats go a long way toward keeping these spaces clean and creating a good initial impression at the door.

Why Commercials Spaces Need Floor Mats

So exactly how can floor mats clean up a messy entrance? Three reasons:

  • Cleanliness
  • Floor protection
  • Identification

Image of a floor mat for commercial buildings.

A dirty floor is not a good first step toward impressing people. Quality entrance mats and wall-to-wall vestibule tiles help entrances and the surrounding spaces look good during every season. These products are designed to scrape off debris while people walk inside, keeping unsightly substances and slippery puddles off your clean floors.

Another major benefit of commercial floor mats and vestibule tiles is that they act as a shield for your floors. Regular foot traffic can grind debris like rock salt and other substances into your floors, leaving permanent scrapes and scuffs. Floor mats are designed to take a beating so that your floors don’t have to, saving you from replacing your floor or living with the damage.

Commercial floor mats can also serve as another way to greet the people entering your building. Logo mats are another way to incorporate your branding throughout your building, adding an extra level of professionalism to your entrances. These mats can also be customized with special messages, giving you some ability to get creative in addition to keeping your floors safe and clean.

Image of a logo mat for commercial buildings.

Mat Recommendations for Commercial Spaces

Every building is different so it’s important to choose a commercial floor mat or vestibule tiles that match your business. Here are six top matting products for commercial buildings:
Dura-Tile II
Carpet Tile (Pin Surface)

Whether you need carpet-like vestibule tiles or attractive, heavy-traffic floor mats, there’s a matting solution for you. Register for an official Durable account for 24/7 access to our company and to order commercial mats online.

What Floor Mats Should I Buy: Educational Buildings
Image of floor mats for schools.

Every school day, students head to their various grade schools, high schools, colleges, and other institutions to get a good education. These same students also track in water, dirt, and debris that can turn your building into mess.

Fortunately, floor mats are a quick and easy way to help you protect your entrances and hallways while providing students, teachers, and other people with a nice, safe place to walk. Different floor mats can provide a variety of benefits for schools and other educational buildings. Here’s a quick guide on what to consider when looking for floor mats for your spaces.

Why Educational Buildings Need Floor Mats

Good floor mats can play a variety of roles. There are three major ways that floor mats can improve an educational facility.

  • Cleanliness
  • Floor protection
  • Identification

Just because it’s been raining or snowing doesn’t mean that your entrances and hallways must be dirty. Entrance mats are designed to prevent the spread of dirt and debris from incoming students, parents, and teachers. Good mats and carpet-like tiles can wipe and scrape away mud, snow, or various debris found outside to ensure it stays on the matting and not on your clean floors.

Image of a floor mat for schools and other educational buildings.

Safety is another important issue, both in terms of protecting your floors and the people in your building. The presence of water, mud, and other substances create a slippery surface for people going in and out of your building. Absorbent matting products will suck up water and snow so that you can avoid harmful injuries and potential lawsuits caused by slips and falls. Various debris can also chip and scuff away at your floors, causing unsightly damage over time. Quality mats serve as a shield between your floors and wipe off substances that could harm your surfaces.

Floor mats are also a great opportunity for branding and messaging. Attractive logo mats can serve a dual purpose by keeping your floors clean and safe while creating a lasting impression through a school logo or some important message, such as a wet floor caution or a simple welcome.

Image of a custom logo mat for schools.

Mat Recommendations for Educational Buildings

It’s one thing to know how mats help. It’s another to know specifically which mats are the right ones for your spaces. Here are six top matting products for educational buildings:

Some strategically-placed floor mats can be the difference between a safe, clean entranceway and a slick mess. Register for an official Durable account for 24/7 access to our company and to order mats for educational spaces online.

What Floor Mats Should I Buy: Food Service Industry
Image of a food industry floor mat.

A food service space without a good floor mat can be a recipe for disaster. Kitchens, bars, and other food service environments are no strangers to slick floors, leading OSHA to name slips and falls as a major hazard in the workplace.

An investment into quality wet area matting can help food service workers move around without fear of slipping while providing other benefits. The trick is that you can’t just buy any old floor mat. Matting products come in a variety of styles, with some being better for the food service industry than others. Here’s a quick guide that will help you understand how floor mats can help the food service industry and choose the right ones for your business.

Why Food Services Spaces Need Floor Mats

A good floor mat can provide several important benefits in the food service industry. These include:
• Workplace safety
• Cleanliness
• Comfort

Due to the nature of the food service industry, there’s a good chance that your floors will get slippery at some point. Between spills, cleaning, and other watery occurrences, wet floors pose a serious threat for employees while they work. Wet area mats allow water and other slippery substances to drain through to the floor so that employees can walk on dry matting with plenty of traction.

Of course, all those slippery substances need to be cleaned up eventually. Food service floor mats are designed to make cleaning faster and easier. Food service floor mats are light enough to be picked up when it’s time to clean so that workers can mop and wash up underneath them. These mats are also made to hold up to substances that would weaken standard mats. This means that food substances like animal fat or harsh chemicals found in cleaning solutions won’t eat away at your mats, allowing them to provide the protection and support your workers need for years.

Another major benefit of food service mats is that they provide ample support for workers. It only takes 90 seconds of standing for employees to feel fatigue, while long periods of standing on hard surfaces can lead to serious health issues like back pain, joint stiffness, and more. Anti-fatigue mats give workers the cushion they need to feel great and stay effective throughout the day.

Image of a Workmaster floor mat for food industry spaces.

Mat Recommendations for Food Service Spaces

An understanding of how floor mats can help your spaces is great. Choosing the right matting products is even better.
Workstation Plus – A wet area, lightweight rubber mat with built-in beveled edges.
Kitchen Grid – A slip-resistant anti-fatigue with an open surface that allows for drainage of waste by-products in the food processing industry.
Workmaster – A general purpose rubber mat that provides excellent drainage in wet areas.
Workflow Plus – A lightweight anti-fatigue mat made from a 100% nitrile grease-proof compound.
Sof Spun 5/8” – A thick sponge mat that is ideal for use behind bars and check-out areas.
Workstation Light – An economical, lighter weight general purpose mat with beveled edges.

The right food service mats can provide your staff with ample support and traction to improve your work areas. Durable supplies businesses with a variety of quality food service matting that can protect your environments. Register for an official Durable account for 24/7 access to our company and to order food service floor mats online.